Creating a mirror material in vray for sketch up can be a very simple process if you understand the basics of the reflection layer. Follow the steps below and learn 3 easy ways you can create a realistic mirror material.
Click the “M” on the VfS: Main Tool bar to access the material editor.
Right Click on the material of choice, “Create Layer” > “Reflection Layer”. This is going to add reflection (with Fresnel as default) properties to your material.
To achieve the mirror material you can follow one of the three Methods.
1. Deactivate Fresnel
For this method you are simply going to use raw reflection and remove the Fresnel feature from your properties.
Under the General Tab, Click the “M” beside reflection to access the Vray texture editor. To the Left, you will select the drop down menu and select “none” and press OK.
Go ahead and render your material.
2. Switching Parallel Color
For this method you are going to change the parallel color in your fresnel setting to white.
Under the General Tab, Click the “M” beside reflection to access the Vray texture editor. To the Left, the drop down menu should have "Fresnel" select. You will see the both perpendicular and parallel color option. Change the parallel to white, press OK.
Change Parallel (currently Black) to white.
Go ahead and render your material.
3. Increase IOR Value
For this method you are going to increase the IOR value in the properties.
Under the General Tab, Click the “M” beside reflection to access the Vray texture editor. To the Left, the drop down menu should have "Fresnel" select. You will see the "IOR" value with default value of 1.55. Increase this value to 40 and press Ok.
Increase IOR from 1.55 to 40
Here is the full video following the steps above. Hopefully this makes it a bit easier.